Friday, January 13, 2012

A Mindful You

   I am big into much so that I sometimes feel "weird" when only doing one thing at a time.  TV watching is done with either laptop, magazine, work stuff or crossword in hand.  Drive time is when I make lists in my head - to-do, grocery, errands to run, etc - or sometimes catch up on phone calls (I know, I don't do it as much as I used to).  Being a business owner, my mind is always whirling with ways to develop, market or promote - no matter where I am or what I'm doing.

   So, I am working on practicing mindfulness in 2012.  Being completely in touch with the present moment is the way to help reduce stress, improve memory, boost immune system and even lose weight.  Here are some things that I am trying to do:

    > When walking my dog, no phone or music.  Enjoy being outdoors and how good it feels.  Enjoy spending time with my pup.

    > Eat slower.  Chew food longer.  Pay attention to the taste and texture of food.  Do not eat standing up.

    > When exercising (and not teaching), focusing on each movement and how my muscles are responding.

    > Being a more alert motorist!  Avoiding distractions and enjoying some alone time to listen to music or talk radio.  Staying calm and un-rushed without being so annoyed by others not as "zen". 

    > Listening more and talking less!

  We just began a 4 week session of the homeopathic hCG/detox diet where you are 100% mindful of every bite that goes into your mouth.  Keeping a food journal and recording calories and grams of fat, protein and carbs makes you very aware of nutritional content and portion control.  Being mindful for weight loss is absolutely necessary for long term success.

   OK 2012 - my year of mindfulness.  Anyone care to join me?  :)



Sunday, January 1, 2012

Make Positive Change!

I always start the new year the same way....organizing and throwing out clutter around the house. My husband hates it because he is dangerously close to becoming a hoarder!   It did not take long after we were married 8 yrs ago for me to realize that he stresses over letting go of "things" and it made me crazy!
But eventually we came to an agreement that as long as he kept his clutter out of my sight, I would try to ignore the piles in his office, closet, bathroom drawers and garage. He now knows that I need clean and clear surfaces - kitchen & bathroom counters, tables and furniture - in order to feel relaxed and calm at home.  I like to take time each day to put things away, stay neat and organized as it makes me feel less stressed.

This year I managed to convince said husband that it is time to tackle his build-up of stuff so we spent all afternoon in his home office going through years of paperwork and a closet full of his dad's belongings (who died almost 3 yrs ago). I was proud of him to finally admit that less clutter and more organization is necessary for him to control stress and handle a hectic schedule and demanding job.

Taking steps to make positive change in your life is not easy as it often brings you out of your comfort zone. It can be downright painful.  But not facing the problems that hold you back from having a healthy and happy life is a loss of precious time. I believe that the first step in making change to improve your life is awareness of what the problem is and how to make adjustments.

This time of year the focus is on weight loss but it can be very difficult to take the necessary steps and commit to making the change in diet and fitness. Recognizing that you eat out too much and making the change of cooking meals at home can be a drag for those who find cooking a chore. Admitting that you COULD make time to exercise 30 minutes every day and then waking up earlier to do that is not super fun if you are not a morning person.  But, once the "unfamiliar" becomes more "familiar" in changes made, it seems normal and a part of your routine that you don't mind doing.

It takes alot of self-discipline and drive to make enough change to transform your body and very few can do it on their own without some type of guidance and support. Following a structured program that will teach proper nutrition for both fat loss and total health is the best way to make permanent changes in your diet. Effective exercise like heavy weight lifting and interval training usually requires professional help. Although it may seem impossible to give up processed, fattening foods,alcohol and soda, once you start to feel and look better, the more motivated you will become!

To learn about Trim Up's unique diet program, click here:

The next session starts January 11th - just in time for the new you  to make positive change in the new year!